General Membership list
Co-chair: Hilary Lovell
Community Relations Manager for Signature Healthcare
Hilary Lovell is the Community Relations Coordinator for Signature Healthcare, which includes Brockton Hospital and Signature Medical Group. Hilary has worked in this role since 2010 and acts as a liaison between the community and Signature Healthcare. She is also the Community Benefits Officer for the organization and works at implementing programs to assist in dealing with health disparities. She is a member of many coalitions in the area such as Brockton’s Promise Healthy Start Team, Brockton Knocks Down Diabetes and the Greater Taunton Health and Human Services Coalition.
Co-chair: Lauren Bartell

Treasurer: Jack Ryan
Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
Jack Ryan is Director of Volunteer Services at Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Brockton Multi-Service Center a provider of emergency and outpatient care to the indigent who suffer from mental illness in the Greater Brockton Community Health Network Area (CHNA 22).
He is a founding member of CHNA 22 and has served as Chairman for three terms and is currently the Treasurer. He is a Rotarian, a Director of the Plymouth Taskforce for the Homeless and the Plymouth Area Taskforce and President of the Friends of BMSC and Friends of the Braintree Department of Elder Affairs. He is the founder and Director of the Braintree Community Youth Center.
Other Steering Committee Members
Joanne Hoops
Youth Development professional for 35 years. Camp and Community Services Director at Goodwill Industries in Boston; Founding Director of the Boys & Girls Club in Brockton; E.D. of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Newport County; Regional Service Director for Boys & Girls Clubs of America. I have been the Director of Development and Communications at FCR for the past 5 ½ years.
Julie Kabukanyi
I hereby want to express my interest to join the GBHA steering committee. My name is Julie Kabukanyi, I am a resident and homeowner of Brockton. I am a Registered Nurse and a Family Nurse Practitioner student. I am the President/CEO of the Congolese American Women Empowerment and Leadership organization based in Brockton, a proud recipient of the GBHA innovation Grant in December 2021.
I am interested in becoming a member of the steering committee in order to reach out and be a voice for underserved racial, ethnic and linguistic Women minorities and their families that live in the Greater Brockton Health Alliance communities. I am interested in the task of developing a recruitment plan that reflects the diversity of the GBHA area or in any other areas where I can bring my contribution and give back to my community. My interests are in social determinants of health and their impacts in the lives of underserved communities.
Cindy McDonagh
Brockton Housing Authority Consultant and Resident Voice
FSS helps residents in public housing seek and maintain employment, become financially literate, and move from public assistance to independence of government support.
Claudia Sousa
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Claudia Sousa, MSW, LICSW is currently the Program Manager for outpatient behavioral health services at Brockton Neighborhood Health Center. Ms. Sousa’s academic degrees include a Master’s degree in Social Work from Bridgewater State University and a Bachelor’s in Social Work from Salem State University. She has over 15 years of experience working with diverse populations in a federally qualified health center serving Brockton MA and the greater southeast regions of Massachusetts. Ms. Sousa’s passion lies in providing education and access to mental health services to individuals and families for marginalized populations. Ms. Sousa works endlessly to end stigma, educate, and support culturally equitable approach to providing mental health treatment to her team of providers at Brockton Neighborhood Health Center. Ms. Sousa is a first generation Cape Verdean American who is fluent is Cape Verdean Creole and has been committed to assisting newly arriving immigrants in the acculturation process as they learn to navigate the medical and mental health delivery systems. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience working with diverse populations as well as with the promotion of cultural diversity in staffing providing direct care to patients. Ms. Sousa’s drives lies in her desire to assist clients in reaching their highest potential, and lead rich and meaningful lives.
Rev. Albert Whitaker III
Rev. Whitaker is a bi-vocational pastor. He serves as Senior Pastor of St. Mark Congregational Church, UCC in Dorchester. He is also Director Community Impact with the American Heart Association.
Rev. Whitaker works diligently with various stakeholders to address issues of health equity and access to quality healthcare for marginalized and underserved communities. A resident of Brockton since 2016, Rev. Whitaker is fluent in Spanish and served as a Peace Corp volunteer in Paraguay in South America.
Rev. Whitaker holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Massachusetts and a Master’s in Urban Ministry from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and is currently a candidate for the Master of Public Health program through Liberty University in Virginia.
Additionally, he is a member of the voting board of the Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council, a program of the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, board member of Brockton Area Multi Services INC. (BAMSI), board member of the National Peace Corp Association, former member of Brockton Knocks Down Diabetes and a host of other coalitions and committees.